Fraser girl varsity volleyball vs Stevenson High: Bitter loss

Carmen Yan

Before Fraser varsity volleyball game started,  Varsity team gave a speech to their parents and a gift bag. They wanted to appreciate their parents are supportive. When the speech was over it was game time for Fraser Ramblers vs Stevenson Titans.


The game first set started with the first serve going to Fraser Girls. Fraser spirits were very low and not that many cheering in the beginning of the games. Fraser girls served first but, they found that Stevenson is really strong in their recieve against Fraser attack. That made Stevenson strong against the Fraser girls. Also during the game fraser were making  big mistakes their formation being that the miss or run into to each other. That made a huge score gap with them and Stevenson. They didn’t do so hot until when they got their act together after a time out with the coach. They manage to pull some points but what ended the set was the match point that Stevenson scored (15-25).


On the Second set Fraser girls remains  in high spirits despise losing the first set by  giving each other high fives. In this set there was multiple  highlights being that Abbigayle Filler spiked the ball instead of hitting the floor it smacked the opposing team player. Fraser kept trying being that they were tied with Stevenson during the first couple of points. They were putting up a good fight with stevenson. Player Kelly McCoy fast recieve against Stevenson saved the team from Stevenson getting points. But, Stevenson broke out from the tie and started scoring making a score gap between them and Fraser.  Stevenson eventually scored the match point and won the second set.(13-25).


In the Last set starts with the Fraser girls being exhausted and sweating like they were playing in the sun all day. Fraser girls were feeling the taste of defeat when they also lost two sets to Stevenson. Fraser kept scoring but fail to score. That they were tired and can’t concentrated from their two sets especially McCoy was worn out by saving the team with her quick receives. They were also the same mistakes they were making in the first set being that running into each others. There mistakes got the best of them that made stevenson won the third set.(16-25).


Fraser girls lost the last set and the whole game to stevenson. The bitter taste of defeat was a horrible for them and go to them. Fraser girls may lost but they have another game on October 6th. Come out and cheer for them in their next game.