FCCLA Babies And March Of Dimes

The list of names of all the people who have donated and have their names posted on the board just outside of the Fraser Grill.

The list of names of all the people who have donated and have their names posted on the board just outside of the Fraser Grill.

Aron Geml, Flash Sports

You may have seen a big poster of peoples names that say that they are helping to save babies on your way to the Fraser Grill and wonder what is that for? Students that bought either a candy bar or bracelet got to write their name on that board.  FCCLA is currently having a fundraiser called the March of Dimes, which is a charity that helps raise money for research on why why babies are born prematurely and how people can stop it. Different schools help raise money throughout the month of April and there was a March Of Dimes Walk at Metro Beach this past weekend on April 29th.