Here is a playlist of the daily announcements for the 2024-2025 school year.
Below you will find the text version (transcription) of today’s important announcements along with important links
Billy Sims – Detroit Lions
Air Force SMART Visit
An Air Force representative will be at Fraser High School on Tuesday, February 11th during SMART. The presentation is open to all juniors and seniors and will begin at 1:40pm. Please sign up in the counseling office if you are interested in attending. Students under 18 will need a signed permission slip. Permission slips are available in the counseling office. Please see Mrs. Hammer with any questions.
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Valentine’s Day CandyGram Sale
Hola and Bonjour, Lovebirds! Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. There will be a Candygram sale during lunch starting Tuesday, February 4th through Monday, February 10th. Send a candygram to someone special for the low low price of ONE DOLLAR! Candygrams will be delivered in SMART on Friday, February 14th, so make sure you know what teacher your sweetie has before purchasing.
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Fraser HOSA Blood Drive
Severe winter weather wildfires have forced thousands of blood donations to go uncollected. There is a critical need for platelets, as well as an emergency shortage for types O negative and B negative blood. There is also a need for diverse donors.
Did you know 1 in 3 African American blood donors is a match for a person living with sickle cell? Diverse blood donors are crucial in ensuring the unique needs of patients from various backgrounds, especially those with rare blood types or conditions such as sickle cell disease.
Please join us at the Fraser HOSA Blood Drive on February 7, 2025, from 7:15 am – 1:15 pm in the LGI. Registration forms can be found outside rooms 1209 & 1212. Permission slips are also needed for donors who are 16 years old.
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Boys Basketball Record
Sam Zanon Broke the Schools Scoring Record and he got a shoutout from Neil Ruhle (Fraser Alum) on Woodward sports.
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McMahon Thrift Store
The McMahon Thrift store is now open Tuesday through Friday before and after school. Check it out to thrift, grab a shirt or pants, browse. You can take up to three free items per day. Come see us.
Check your email
Quick reminder that you should check your email at least once a day. There will be important information from your teacher, information about clubs and updates on sports. Check your email every day. Do it now.
Cell Phones:
Thank you for following the cell phone policy. Put them in the caddies as you arrive to each class. Cell phone use is welcome between classes and lunch.
Fraser Sports:
Always check for the most current information on games, updates, and cancellations.
Today and every day the FHS daily announcements are brought to you by the Fraser SWAT team and the Fraser Broadcasting Crew.
Important Links: