Applying for Colleges: Fear and Excitement


Amanda Kaiser, Flash Staff Reporter

Being a Senior has its perks — all the senior activities, all the a amazing events, all the excitement for graduation. However, one thing that comes along with being a senior is applying for colleges.

Applying for colleges is hard work — physically and mentally. Talking to counselors, getting transcripts… It’s all apart of the process. By the time senior year starts, students are either stressing about when they should apply, or already done applying. In fact, some already know exactly where they’re going.

This is true for Senior Emily Beebe. Earlier in the summer, she applied to and visited many different colleges that she was planning on applying to.

“I applied after I visited the colleges. I didn’t want to go to a college and not like what the campus had to offer,” Beebe responded.

One specific college she visited was Oakland University in Auburn Hills, Michigan. After her visit, she discovered OU was the college for her. She then began her application process.

“I started the application about a month ago,” Beebe said.

Unlike Beebe, many students did not start applying so soon. When asked on a poll on Twitter,    “When did you start applying [for colleges]?” Only 8% of the 13 voters, or 1 person, said they applied during summer. The majority of the voters, or 77%, said they started applied during the school year.

On the other side of the spectrum, senior Marybeth Stanziola has not applied anywhere yet, and is still not dead set on a college.

“I’m waiting for my parents to take my to have college visits before I apply,” Stanziola said,   “However, I’ve visited the college websites of my top three choices.”

Unlike Beebe, many students in the class of 2017 share Stanziola’s fear with applying.

When asked on a poll on Twitter, “Did you have any worries [applying]/Are you worried to [apply]?” 65% of the 20 voters, or 13 people, said they are afraid of applying. Maybe they fear their application will have the wrong information on it or maybe they fear the colleges will not accept them. Whatever the reason, many of the senior students are fear when it comes to the application process in college.

When it comes to applying for colleges, there are many fears. However, these fears are imaginary. There is nothing to fear when it comes to college applications. The most rational fear that comes with applying for colleges is the fear of becoming an adult. It reminds many high school students the fact that they are growing up. If anything, though, this should be the only fear. There are many people who can help the fear of college applications. High school counselors, college students, financial aid advisers, etc. Specifically, financial aid advisors. Because of her financial aid advisor, Emily Beebe had no fears during applying.

“I didn’t have any worries [applying]. I have an advisor to help be work through the entire process” Beebe said.