Mr. Ray Interview

Joe Bresso

A quarter into the school year and now it seems everyone has got their bearings and all the new teachers have the hang of things. The new assistant principal Mr Ray is having a similar experience with what he shared with me in this interview.

He’s been having a fun time so far from what he has told me ” It’s been fun, learned lots about the students, having fun walking around.” Ray said

Now I did ask him how he came to this position since it was a last minute thing and he shared with me that ” I have a masters in administration, and I’ve been looking for a position for two years and a position finally opened up.”

Since this was a last minute thing I asked him how long he had been teaching before this year and he shared that and more since he ” was a math teacher for 10 years and before that he was a vet tech assistant at a vet hospital.”

Coming into a new position of power I asked if he was worried and he shared with me that ” there is a lot of nerves going to a new position, however knowing the staff from working here for 10 years it was easier to be here, after knowing everybody.”

A transition from a teacher to an administrator is quite the change but Mr Ray was prepared as ” I was subbing for the admins for a couple years now so I knew the roles felt it was easier” I can’t imagine how much easier that must’ve been since he basically got to start his new job before even knowing that he would get it.

An assistant principal must have more responsibilities than a math teacher right so I asked him which job he preferred on a day to day basis and he shared with me” I would say I can’t compare the two due to the structure of the two jobs. I love teaching and the job I’m in now.”

On the other side of the coin being a teacher must be a bit easier since you have a schedule to abide by so I asked him if He would go back to his old job if given the option and he informed me that ” I’d say right now I wouldn’t since I just got the role and I’ve done 10 years of teaching.

The last question I got to ask him was what his favorite part of the promotion was and he told me that ” I would think the part I have the most fun with is being able to know more of the student body, more than just teaching.”