Mary Lamberts “Secrets” Review

Carmen Yan


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Need an upbeat song to listen to? Try listening to “Secrets” By Mary Lambert and you find it has more meaning than an Taylor Swift song.


“Secrets” is refer to Mary’s life and that she have a lot of secrets but that she wants worlds know her past and secrets.  “I’ve got bipolar disorder.” This is the one of her secrets she sings in the beginning of the song. When Lambert was 8 years old, she had depression because of being that her familt sexually abuse and that leading to one another lyrics: “ My Family is dysfunctional But we have a good time killing each other.”


“They tell us from the time we’re young. To hide things that we don’t like about ourselves.”  she apply to this line that we, the listeners keeps secrets what we don’t like about ourselves. For example, we might have a secrets that we might not like our body image, hair color, personality, and etc. Giving a reminder to us about what the things we don’t like about ourselves.


The Chorus is basically simple and catchy. “I don’t care if the world knows what are my secrets are.”  Giving the listeners a tune that they can remember and can sing to it. After that line it goes “So what” means that she unattached to things that the world have to say learn about her secrets.


“I can’t think straight I’m so gay.” Lambert refers to this lyrics being that she is coming out that she is gay that is one of her secrets. That she finds that people should know about. Keeping the same slow tune while singing to the lyrics.
“Secrets” is an upbeat song that you can catch on easily also something you can dance to and sing at the same time Like “Shake it off” by Taylor Swift. Check out “Secrets” By Mary Lambert.